Civic Way has exciting plans for 2022, but we need your help to attain them.
Civic Way exists for one reason—to help make government work for all of us. To that end, we are launching a digital blueprint for good government. With the help of a community of reformers, we are building a sweeping suite of daring ideas for making government—at all levels—more responsive and cost-effective.
During the past year, thanks in no small measure to the support of people like you, we have dedicated many hours to laying the foundation for this blueprint. Our hope is to inspire the next generation of publicleaders to make long-overdue reforms to government.
In the coming weeks, we will complete that foundation with essays on such issues as education, community and infrastructure. If you’ve found our essays constructive, please consider making a donation to support more of the same.
You can make a donation by mailing a check to Civic Way, Post Office Box 18569, Asheville, North Carolina 28814 or by clicking on the donation link.
Once again, thank you for supporting Civic Way. We look forward to another year of offering innovative ideas for rebuilding America.
Bob Melville, Civic Way
Civic Way is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit. Our tax ID number is 46-4043698. While all donations are nonrefundable, we would be pleased to send you a letter verifying your contribution for tax filing purposes.