Greetings from Civic Way!
We launched this newsletter last year to introduce Civic Way and start sharing our ideas a tools for improving state and local governance. Today, we are shifting to a new platform, Substack, that we think will help us continue to grow our subscriber base and eventually offer more content and premium subscription plans.
Civic Way is a 501c3 nonprofit with one mission—to help states, regions and communities improve their governance. There are many outstanding think tanks developing thoughtful, forward-looking progressive policies. Our aim is to help public institutions make the needed reforms for implementing those policies.
We believe that the coming fiscal crisis (especially in FY21 and FY22) will force state and local governments to explore ideas that otherwise would have been politically unthinkable. So, in May, we began a series of newsletters and commentaries on the best opportunities for reconstructing government post-pandemic. We hope that you find this series both timely and provocative.
This month, we will start a new schedule, with a submittal every Wednesday and Sunday. The newsletter will continue with links to other content that we find important. In addition, we will issue posts offering deeper analysis and solutions on large systemic issues facing state and local governments.
Today, we begin this new schedule with the first part of a multi-part series on reconstructing state and local government. You will receive the first part in your inbox within the hour.
Our commitment to good government requires us to constantly revisit our work. Since your input is vital to that continual improvement, we would hearing your criticisms, questions or suggestions. Please comment below or email any comments to
Bob Melville, Founder, Civic Way
P.S. We will continue to offer our newsletter at no charge for the remainder of this year. In the meantime, we would appreciate any donations to help support our important work (